We worked with Forestry England to prepare the land for a new multipurpose woodland at their 127-hectare Pleasant Farm site in Kent. The woodland creation will increase and enhance the landscape, providing carbon sequestration, increasing the region’s coverage of native broadleaf species and providing a mosaic of habitats to benefit local wildlife. This is a flagship project for Forestry England and we relish the opportunity to provide our skills and knowledge to ensure a high quality finish.
Case Study – Woodland Creation
To convert the farm from conventional arable land to permanent grass leys.
To manage existing permanent grass leys in preparation for tree planting.
To mark planting strips and suppress weeds along planting lines to give saplings the best chance of survival.
We carried out the minimal cultivations required to establish a healthy seedbed, before drilling a permanent grass mix and rolling.
We mulched the existing grass leys to ensure they are at a more suitable height for planting.
We then sprayed and mole ploughed the existing grass leys at 2m intervals to mark and prepare the planting strips.