We provide high quality fencing options to assist with environmental issues.
This includes newt fencing to mitigate the impact of developments sites, deer fencing to protect woodland plantations, otter/mink fencing to provide non lethal solutions to river and fishery predation and conventional livestock fencing to provide more efficient grazing systems in line with Countryside Stewardship requirements and regenerative farming practices.

Stock Fencing:
We generally assist with conventional stock fencing to deliver effective grazing management systems, to re-incorporate large herbivores onto a site, with the aim of enhancing the habitat and improving biodiversity. Creating stock proof and efficient grazing systems, can help to reduce the need for mechanical intervention, which creates a more natural approach to controlling vegetation, whilst helping to reduce management costs. We can supply and install a range of stock fencing products from traditional chestnut, through to metal Clipex type systems. This fencing is completed to a high standard and can be eligible for capital grant funding which is currently offered by Natural England.
Water Vole Fencing:
Habitat Regeneration can install specialist water vole fencing which provides a high quality barrier to prevent the movement of water voles into the neighbouring areas. An example of recent projects includes water vole mitigation at a construction site. The fencing was installed to prevent the movement of water voles into the construction area.
Deer Fencing:
With growing deer populations across the UK becoming an increasingly prevalent issue, the need to install deer fencing as a means of excluding deer from areas is becoming essential for many. We are regularly involved with deer fencing installation as part of larger scale woodland creation schemes and as a means of improving woodland health. However, this is also being used to exclude deer from cattle grazing, to improve biosecurity and reduce potential TB risks associated with them.
Rabbit Netting:
We can also assist with delivering rabbit fencing to exclude them from certain areas. This fencing is generally used to protect young woodland plantations, often in addition to deer fencing.
Specialist Gates & Boundary Features:
We can also assist with installing specialist gates, including one way deer passes and badger gates within rabbit/deer fencing enclosures, to allow their free movement within the landscape, whilst excluding unwanted species like deer and rabbits.