From November 2023, with statutory Biodiversity Net Gain policy coming into effect, there is an ever growing need to source suitable sites to meet ecological offset requirements, ensuring that a genuine ecological gain is delivered. 

Habitat Regeneration assist developers and local authorities achieve the minimum 10% gain. We see the potential to offer larger landed holdings for ecological offset schemes, enabling several stakeholders to buy in and support the development and ongoing management of the site. This approach can help to confer a more landscape scale approach to natural capital and helps to avoid small islands of habitat being created without the connectivity and scale to deliver actual ecological gain.

Habitat Regeneration has access to a number of land parcels within the South-East which are owned by sister companies within the Heathcote Holdings Group (please see map below). Likewise, as one of the largest agricultural contractors in Kent, the group has established relationships with landowners and farmers who are looking to incorporate private and public funded environmental schemes into their farm as a form of diversification.

The map below show details of our land bank of land available for environmental offset.

Habitat Regeneration’s Services includes:

  • On site biodiversity net gain – delivering habitat creation via landscaping/green infrastructure
  • Off site – sourcing suitable off site opportunities for habitat creation through our land bank
  • Habitat management schemes – work with ecologists to develop schemes to outline how the net gains will be managed and maintained
  • Habitat management – assist with ongoing habitat management/operational support of on and off site units.

We are experts in habitat management and are already working with a variety of organisations, developers and land owners to provide ecological enhancement and offsetting solutions. Below are details of some of the organisations we are currently working with:

  • Natural England
  • South East Rivers Trust
  • Forestry England
  • Kent Wildlife Trust

To find out more about Ecological Offset services from Habitat Regeneration...