Having grown up on the family farm in Kent, Will has always been passionate about the countryside and wildlife within it. He always wanted to retain an interest in the farming sector and rural community and looked to follow a career which could achieve this.
He studied Rural Estate and Land Management at the Royal Agricultural University and obtained an Honours Degree in 2013. He subsequently worked for a Land Agency firm in East Sussex for 5 years before setting up his own business Perdix Property in 2019. This business focuses on rural planning and rural business diversification, including the adoption of stewardship schemes and environmental capital grant funding.
Through close work with the planning and farming sector, he saw the opportunity for landowners to source an additional income stream whilst conferring benefit to the local ecology and habitats they work within.
He quotes. ‘This transitional period in the UK farming sector is the biggest shakeup since the II World War. Farming has wrongfully been a scapegoat for climate change issues and I genuinely believe there is a real opportunity for the farming community to re-engage with the general public and show how important their role is, in ensuring the production of quality local food, whilst conferring real benefits to the ecology and habitats they work within’.
Habitat Regeneration has been established off the back of this ethos, looking to help deliver practical, viable and beneficial schemes which provide habitat management and enhancement solutions. The works Habitat Regeneration can provide range from management of existing habitats, to the creation of new habitats for a variety of purposes, including environmental offset projects and Countryside Stewardship Schemes